17 November, 2009

Weird Coral Fact....Thanks Baker, I didnt need to research this ...really

Okay i researched the Great Barrier reef and look what i found out about coral spawning.

Every year over one third of the reef's 350 species of coral reproduce sexually during a mass spawning event.
Spawning always takes place at night, and follows any time up to six days after the full moon. Eggs and sperm are released into the water where they eventually combine to form a free swimming planktonic larval stage.

AND IT HIT ME...Briannas it child with Tom, little Tomika, can reproduce this way....with itself!! WIN...and very freaky! :)

PS: Tweeter told me to put this on the blog. Yell at her. Unless you like it, then you can give your thanx - to me, of course. :)


  1. So it would bave to release an egg and sperm into the air.. don't think it'll work the same was as the coral hun.

  2. Well if you don't think it will work on land we'll just have to put the it child in water...then it will work...maybe. :) LOL this was meant as a hit at Bree, i wasnt serious.
    And thank you Lauren ;)
    And Willie, a virgin can't be a whore...just sayin'.
