11 November, 2009


Ok. So here's what has happened that brought on the absence of Pattington.


Anyway, Sarah said one day, why hasn't Kat picked up her Pattington? And then I thought, would she notice if it was gone? So I got to plotting. Another day in History I asked Vaughn if he would tell a student who took something of theirs if it suddenly went missing. I know, a dumb question, but he said no, so I plotted some more.

So today in US History I grabbed Pattington and sat him on my lap. He came out in the hall with me when the bell rang. he spent .5 seconds in the top of Shelby's locker. I told David he was there, and he said "I'll put him in my locker Kat never goes there." I said Go for it! So that's where he stayed till SSR.

During SSR Malvey caught me in my locker and we pretty unceremoniously shoved him in my backpack and zipped it up. Now he lies in my room, waiting.

My question to you is, what should the ransom for Pattington be? I can't think of anything good enough.. I need the help of my fellow Squiggles...


  1. Hmmm...ransom huh? Ransom Note: KATHERINE HARTZELL! For the time being Pattington has been confiscated. In order to get him back you must bake one hundred dozen cookies and sell them to pay for Faith, Sarah, my, Jordan, Jolly, and Sammy's remaining school trips!! Pay or Pattington dies! Yours lovingly, PDOE Co.
    hehe loves ya Sin. Vasi
    oh and I don't think she'll notice till after Christmas break! lol

  2. At the moment, i don't think that we should make any ransom note, for i think we should test how much Katherine loves Pattington by seeing how long it takes her to notice that he's gone. if she doesn't notice for a really long time, then i don't think she deserves him because if she loved him she would have noticed like today ya know? If she never notices it then patting should stay with faith forever, because she would love him as if he were her own.
