27 November, 2009

Quiting? It's probable...

So how about last night my Dad was going over teh whole foriegn exchange thing and the original plan about foriegn exchange (to go find a collage in England). Well then we got to talking about what I want to be when I grow up and how I was going to get there. Then we realized that I would need a teaching degree in the US and it all just piled down to this.
Dad doesn't want me to go FE anymore because it's not going to better my education.
So I'm down to 3 options (which I concluded while bawling my eyes out for about an hour, no lie Willie I'm not overexaturating)
  1. Quit. Don't go foriegn exchange, send in my letter of quitting now, never go back, be done.
  2. Apply, but if I don't end up going to England, quit.
  3. Quit. Then go back after I gradutate and go where ever the h*** I want, because it would just be for a culutral experiance somewhere.

So basically they want me to quit.. and i'm not f-n happy.


  1. u truly are over emotion but im sorry u dont get to go to equalssex(tehe)but really sorry u cant

  2. Thanks Willis.. and it doesn't help when things just keep popping up that remind me of what could have been. Damn.. I guess you can't win all the battles in life but i thought i had this one
