31 January, 2010

I didn't do my homework because...

ELLO MY FREAKY DARLINGS! (bonus points if you can figure out what movie that's from!)
once again on my trek through the expansive internet i found something that will make you all smile! and p.s. i'm on a blogging roll! WOO!

-I didn't do my history homework because i don't believe in dwelling in the past.
-I didn't want the other kids to look bad.
-A sudden gust of wind blew it out of my hand and I never saw it again.
-Another pupil fell in the lake --this totally reminds me of when Divido kicked his shoe in the pond... good times :)--and i jumped in to rescue him. Unfortunately, my homework drowned.
-Our furnace broke and we had to burn it to keep ourselves from freezing.
-I'm not at liberty to say why.
-I wanted to frame the detention letter you are about to give me.
-It was destroyed in a freak accident involving a hippo, a toaster, and a bag of frozen peas... you DO NOT wanna know the details! --this one's my favourite!
-My mum used it as a dryer sheet.
-I don't believe in wasting our oxygen by killing trees and making "homework".

30 January, 2010


Ok so I have 4 notifications for you:

  1. If you are tagging (which i know a lot of you are doing now and it makes me happy), then you have to seperate tags with a comma, not a space. Otherwise it is all one big tag. And that leads me to notification #2
  2. We have a butt load of tags! I suggest that before you go typing in your tags, you click *show all* (it's right next to the box you lype your tags in) and see if the tag you want is already there. I say this because we have tags like *avatar* and then *avatar movie*. What's the difference? there is none. Or how about *kat* and *Katt*? *smiles* and *=)*? *sadface* and *=(*? You get the point.
  3. Carnation sales are upon us. For the four of you who have so graciously volunteered a lunch to sit with me at the table (please don't comment a complaint about wanting to do this kat. I have a headache already about this stuff and u will jsut make it worse... don't act offenede either.. gosh) Anyway!! Here's what will happen in regards to that: i will retrieve teh envelpoe with money and slips from Miss Smith's room. Then we will hop in line, get our lunch and trot back to the sales table (which will be straight back the middle, by the windows) and sell and eat at the same time. I will deal withthe money... u can do the slips. Ok.. now that that has been announced....
  4. I changed my name!!!! It goes along withthe poem i wrote.. =)

Any questions? comment!


sos, i'm on the internet this morning... what else is new? well anyway i saw this and thought it was epic so i just had to share it with you guys!

"Today, i took my little sister to see new moon a few minutes into the movie, when there was a closeup shot of Edward's face, a nerfgun dart hit him straight in the eye, i turned around to see an 80 year old man holding a nerfgun, who shouted: "GO TEAM JACOB!" and hobbled out on his cane, muttering."

epic isn't it?

29 January, 2010

To Daphy
Because she sang her beautiful little
heart and voice
out this weekend at districts
And even though the judges
didn't see the amazingness
she stuned the district
with her voice
regionals weren't ready
For Daphnie Hiles

28 January, 2010

i need a hug....

27 January, 2010

I believe...again?

So I came up with my idea for the loverly third "This I Believe Essay"
I talked to Rut, and she likes it. Yay!

My topic, you ask?
"I believe it is important to live in the moment."

What do you guys think?
What's your ideas on what you're going to write about?

26 January, 2010


They stink. The school could at least put out the dough to get some new ones so we don't have to take the same ones repeatedly. Or they could just quit tormenting us altogether, cuz lets face it the ppl that are going to blow off the pssa's are going to blow off the pssa's whether they have to take 4sight or not. 'nuff said!

23 January, 2010

My First Glog

This is ma first Glog.
I know it sucks.... but i like it so suck it up. =)
http://emuna.glogster.com/Random Harmony/

quotes from a random site

"Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"

"It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper."

"If it were not for Thomas Edison, we would all be watching television in the dark."

"Computers will never take the place of books. You can't stand on a floppy disk to reach a high shelf."

"An consultant is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing."

"Love is so confusing - you tell a girl she looks great and what's the first thing you do?Turn out the lights!"

"I don't suffer from stress. I'm a carrier."

"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness and kindness, can be trained to do most things."

"I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."

"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else."

"When your dreams turn to dust, it's time to vacuum."

"Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back. "

"It's better to have loved and lost than to do forty pounds of laundry a week."

"Wealthy people miss one of life's greatest thrills. Making the last car payment."

"They've finally come up with the perfect office computer.If it makes a mistake,it blames another computer."

"Since light travels faster than sound, people appear bright until you hear them speak."

"The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.But not in that order"

"When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half."

"Money isn't everything but it sure keeps you in touch with your children."

"Compatible Your money fits in the salesperson's wallet."

"When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks, "Has the bus come yet?".If the bus came would I be standing here?"

"Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use."

"There are three sides to any argument: your side, my side and the right side."

"Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times."

"Doing nothing is very hard to do, you never know when you're finished. "

"Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference."

"Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted. "

"We are born naked, wet, and hungry, and get slapped on our butt then things get worse."

"It's always darkest before dawn So if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it. "

"The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office"

"I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early."

"The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot; The guy who invented the other three, he was the genius. "

"If our constitution allows us free speech, why are there phone bills?"

"You know the speed of light, so what's the speed of dark? "

"Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination,dishonesty is the second-best policy."

"If you can't convince them, confuse them."

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."

22 January, 2010


So I go to play, my nerdy game....aka WoW, and it won't work on my computer!!!!!

Sadface. This means I need to hack into my brothers. But the password....i can't figure it out.


Haha....but I can still play, when he logs in. FTW!

21 January, 2010

Can YOU tell me waht it says??

So I was blog surfing again (its SOO addicting!!!) And I found this blog:

Blind Idiot God
...That last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the centre of all infinity- The Blind Idiot God Of Chaos which the Necronomicon cloaked under the name Azathoth.

Someone explain this to me in English please?? I basically understand waht it says.. but it's so ambiguous i'm not entirely sure....


So i know that i'm being entirely hypocritical when i say this, but Kat, your name is just toooooo long. It takes up 4 freaking lines!!!! 2 is suffecient thanks.

Who here agrees with me??
(again i understand that i am a total hypocrite. yet i just dont care.)


Oh my gosh for all of you who never look at the Clustrmap (which i know is probably most if not all of you) you need to go look at it!! We've got some pretty sweet hits consisdering that we started with hits from us (pa), one place in Canada, and one place in Australia.

Tis sweet. =)

20 January, 2010

Here we go.

Anyone else take what Mr. Warner said into consideration?
Here's the link to his blog
Clicky Me.
Yepp that's about all I wanted to say.

19 January, 2010


MY ...bleeping computer is clicking or clacking or ticking... yes ticking thats it! It is literally sitting here going tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick......
Basically like a tick a second coming from the cheesing speakers and it's driving me INSANE! agh even Youtube can't drown it out and I can't get on my laptop until I install Nortin cause Wattpad gave it a virus. ...whoa that sounded dirty...hm never mind! oh and did anyone get the entire story on why Nancy's in a sling? (Don't listen to Dalton for this!)
Randomness by Lissa (Lauren Willie, Lauren!)
so my friend michael has named me his wife, adam his husband, hannah(his girlfriend) his concubine, and nate dougherty the stepchild he never wanted. just puttin that out there.
and this makes hannah mad because im his wife and shes just his concubine so me and michael randomly like hug with one leg rapped around each other and just Awkward stuff and she like hisses at me and then me and michael go laugh about it
but we dont grab for each others crotch malvey thats just wrong!

oh ya and we call the chubby asian kid twinkie

18 January, 2010

16 January, 2010


Justt remember,,,
Everyone has atleast one secret that would
break your heart.

15 January, 2010


"Piece of crumb, give me my phone back!" - Faith.

Oh Faithy and the cousin Shelby.

She meant to say crap.

"Oh look, I'm riding Shelby." -Faith

Trying to retrieve her phone, talking to me.


i think it would be amazing [and a half] if "y'all" would come to the concerts 2nite & saturday nite. yupp yupp yupp. definitely think that would be good. 'specially 'cause i dont exactly wanna stand by myself.... yea.... if any1 needs a ride just call me =D

14 January, 2010


So okay, Katt, Emily and I started this blog, the Psychology of Humor, for Rut's class and I wish for feedback! Comments! Our topic is Humor...da. Wow Lauren...alright anyway. I posted about Achmed and then I'm doing Veggie Tales and Bo Burnham. Katt is doing ...something.. and I have no idea about Emily but she promised that she'll be posting so... yeah. KK. Byes! Love you all!
oh yeah and Willie 'sticks out tongue' blah!

13 January, 2010


ok dont any of u have originality?  a few of u changed ur names right around the same time as me   ....and to different languages too! and if the rest of u do it to there will be some sycotic consiqences

so i love Mayday Parade im listening to them right now

young love is such dumb love
call it what u want it its still love

12 January, 2010

Fail. Of the Epic familia. times 8347938174579378519874398758973489179873249872-19875489327598327598347289713958-7123-93498374589732958349857239847539

So on Friday, I'm leaving school early, to head out of state to Indiana for the weekend.

My gram asked if I wanted to go with her to go see the little cousins. :]

Weeeeeeeeeeell I have a HUGE traffic safety test that day, and I have no study halls to make it up in. GRRR!

Anywho, that's all I wanted to say.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee   balooooooooooooooooooooooggga whale! hahahhhahaaahahahahahahah  i have an energy drink for tomrrow 2! hehaheha im a donkey!

10 January, 2010

ya know what made me happy? is u type in willie matthews art in google the first one is the famous watercolorist and then the 5th and 6th links are both to my site

09 January, 2010

Oh yes I did

i totally changed my name to somethign in another language! Oh, and if you want to knwo what language it is.. too bad!!! I'm not telling you!
And I'm not telling you what it says either. =)
What i'm proposing is that you type it into google and find out what it means all by yourself. If you get it.. then thats great. if not, well then you are probably either a junior or REALLY unattentive. =)

Good luck!

hivyo ni jinsi gani bustani wako kukua

08 January, 2010



thought u might enjoy this. =)


so happy we didnt have school today.... but then again, not really...nothing exciting iss happening

have u ever been really sad after having a dream cuz u wish u could just yell "hey jesus could ya do me a favor and have this dream that i really thought was reality at the time be real now? thatd be great bud, thanx.cuz ya know i was kinda hopin that i really did go to a awesome party with all of my friends there, get three amazing kisses from from the one u know i aadore and then be with her the rest of the night and then actually have a really peaceful night's sleep for once. thanks a bunch. i would kick u in the groin if u had one....... do u?"
so i woke this morning in such a daze that i really thought that that was my yesterday and i had the most loopy wonderful happiest 2 minutes of my freakin life then i realized that i sat at home yesterday doing chores and hoping i didnt fail english.....

07 January, 2010

הלב מתפוצץ יון על הידיים דם יהיה עמך שם יפה

i changed my name again.....to something hebrew....again....... this time it means "bursting heart apon yon hands and blood will be thy lovely name" i could out write shakespeare any day

I want to be blue!!!

So last nite right after school we all (Shane, Logan, mom and I) went to see Avatar in the theaters~! OMG it was Great! I Really want to be a Na'vi. Oh man was that so cool! I want to fly on a Toruk!!! That forest was AMAZING! It was sooo pretty and wow the Tree of Souls! Man oh man I wish Pandora was real! Five Stars!! I want to be one of the Omaticaya! One of The People! I love you Ewya!!!!!

06 January, 2010

I Jus Wanna Hold Your Hand... :]

So I watched Nick and Norah's Infinate Playlist on Netflix... :] GREAT MOVIE!

But there was this one part where one of the gay guys from the band was trying to tell Nick that the Beatles got it all right when they wrote that one song... because its all about getting to hold their hand and not all that other stuff. AND AIN'T THAT TRUE! OH MY. i could base every single relationship in my life off this.... friends and significant others and family..

Because I know relationships aren't about how sweet the clothes your friends wear or how many free things you get from them, or about how many times you have sex in a relationship or how extravagent you make one out to be, or how much crap you get for birthdays and Christmas from your parents, aunts, or uncles. Its about being able to BE with them, and share all those stupid moments and awkward hugs and inside jokes. Kinda like holding someones hand... a simple symbol of connection and trust.

Best idea ever Beetles... Kudos. ;]

05 January, 2010

This freaking amazing poem

This is great! go to this website and scroll down to "twas the month before christmas"



So I was kind of down on Sunday and I searched for refuge in the internet. :] not uncommon in todays youth.

So I eventually went to my ol youtube friend Shane D. :] Oh my can he make my day. He really has achieved his goal of taking us out of our dumps and routines and giving me, a person of the world, the gift of laughter and relief. You should probably look him up. His earlier stuff is my fav.

So to even get to the point of watching funny videos i needed to know i wasn't the in the worst situation. So where did i search? fmylife.com :DDDD

Oh my. Some of the best stories in the world can be found there... its like when people are complaining and trying to one up the other in whose life is worse.. so its PERFECT for me trying to find out whose life is better. Let me tell you the tally favorite from asking some people. I went something like this....

"I was taking a shower and I slipped, fell, and hit my head. I started bleeding and i was really in pain and faint. I started moaning and groaning from the pain and i heard the phone ring. My mom answered it and it was from one of my friends i had a crush on. She walked to the bathroom and heard me moaning, then told him.. 'Sorry, she's masterbating in the shower right now, so she's have to call you back....' FML!!!"

So yeah. That's when I knew I wasn't in the worst situation ever. Because that takes the cake... and is freaking hilarious.

Any FMLs from you guys or people you know? Top THIS. :]

04 January, 2010

numba fo!! (thats numberr fourr for all the lil white peeps. ha ily!) / epic amazingness

so i love how the song that we listened to @ the masquerade as we welcomed the new year was Everytime We Touch by Cascada. =D That was definitely amazing and a half.

03 January, 2010

hahaha i nabbed 3rd!

 i dont really know what im going to write i just wanted to be the third write for the new year! so how is everyone?reply in comments

ok here is my list of .....things i want to do.....i forget what there called dont make fun of me
1. find that someone that i want to kiss at midnight next year
2. get most of the way through fine arts( if i win thatd b awesome)
3. get out of my daze and get better grades
   no idea what else.... thats about all i want right now.... dont wanna put much on my plate or none of it will happen...

02 January, 2010

two o onety o

Hehe second post of the new year belongs to me! Burn! hmms so i totally missed you all over break! i cant wait to see you all again! alex is adorable! kassi keeps saying she is a dinosaur and he keeps yelling im a ducky! hehe. ducks go moo, cows go quack, cats go woof and dogs go meow! that was taught to alex by yours truly Kassi. gotta love em. so the party was Amazing though i only remember the first half really but oh wells. lol. balls guys so i have to go buy your christimus presents tomorrow.....hehe. oh and tomorrow im dying my hair RED!!!
peace Bella!!
Ps. Wiliie I so want to get that drawing tattooed on my hand now!!! byes!

01 January, 2010

Just wanted to say.

Spooning leads to Forking.

No really that's what Cha Cha said!

So last night, I mean this morning, was wicked rad.
I don't think I've had that much fun in forever!
You guys, we brought in the new year, and decade, the best way EVER!.

Between all the awkward cuddle moments, to the just plan stupid things that happened.
I loved it all, and I love you all.
Thanks for the amazing night/morning.