08 January, 2010


so happy we didnt have school today.... but then again, not really...nothing exciting iss happening

have u ever been really sad after having a dream cuz u wish u could just yell "hey jesus could ya do me a favor and have this dream that i really thought was reality at the time be real now? thatd be great bud, thanx.cuz ya know i was kinda hopin that i really did go to a awesome party with all of my friends there, get three amazing kisses from from the one u know i aadore and then be with her the rest of the night and then actually have a really peaceful night's sleep for once. thanks a bunch. i would kick u in the groin if u had one....... do u?"
so i woke this morning in such a daze that i really thought that that was my yesterday and i had the most loopy wonderful happiest 2 minutes of my freakin life then i realized that i sat at home yesterday doing chores and hoping i didnt fail english.....


  1. Ya ive had those days too. though they usually end up with my crying my eyes out on the lawn mower going round and round with the comforting smell of summer not doing anything for me. Why the lawn mower you ask? Cause its the only place I feel safe to show myself. Alone, where no one can hear me sing. Or cry.. in this case.

    And yes. No school today really sucked.

  2. A lawn mower? interesting.

    But anywho. I just had one of those dreams, and let me tell you. It sucks to wake up into reality, and knowing that dream won't happen. Ever again.

  3. I've actually had one of those dreams happen twice to me.. it was really weird.. and twice the sadness..

  4. well i actually had one, that kept happening for a good two or three weeks last year, i.e school year, and well i was really ticked. I mean if I could dream it that much, why didn't it happen.

  5. you know whats worse. when you have a bad terrifying dream and you pray to god that it doesn't come true, for the love of God don't let it happen...

    then it does.

  6. i can never remember my dreams for more that an hour after i wake up. ESPECIALLY if a hott guy is involved. darn hypothalamus
