19 January, 2010


MY ...bleeping computer is clicking or clacking or ticking... yes ticking thats it! It is literally sitting here going tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick......
Basically like a tick a second coming from the cheesing speakers and it's driving me INSANE! agh even Youtube can't drown it out and I can't get on my laptop until I install Nortin cause Wattpad gave it a virus. ...whoa that sounded dirty...hm never mind! oh and did anyone get the entire story on why Nancy's in a sling? (Don't listen to Dalton for this!)
Randomness by Lissa (Lauren Willie, Lauren!)


  1. Okay...

    Soo Dakota was at his retreat, and they were tubing in the snow, well roddy pushed him down, and dakota busted his shoulder on the ice. then because roddy though dakota was joking, he punched his shoulder.

    best part...
    when dakota left for the hostpital, bobby said.
    quote: "He's such a pussy" end quote.

    That's why he's my favorite. :]

  2. u got ur story wrong
    he told me himself that nate(ur nate, the one u hang out with) pushed him
    then he got home and bobby pushed him down so dakota punched him then bobby pushed him down again and then he went somewhere and his arm hurt so they went the hospital

  3. I heard that he was running througfh his backyard while being chased by a dinosaur, fell off of a small, sheer droping hill, and landed on his shoulder. Then said dinosaur came and pit and or stomped on the shoulder, and THAT was how it happened.

  4. ha ....ha..........ha........ not funny

  5. Well I don't know. There is toooo many versions of the story. But there wasn't anything about Bobby hurting him when they got home. Dakota said this morning, that He just got hurt on the ice at the retreat.

  6. Okay I actually got the real story from Nancy so it's all good now.
    And Willie I love your version it's brilliant! I believe that is exactly what happened, he's just too embarrased that the dino kicked his little make-up wearing butt, that he won't admit it.... (just kidding)
