25 December, 2010

Happy Christmas.

It's been one hell of a month for all of us. Some a little more worse then others.

But today, I hope everyone has a great day with family. Cherish the moments with them, for we never know when it will be the last.

I hope you get everything you wanted, and that "Santa" was pretty dang good this year.

I love you guys. Merry Christmas.

19 December, 2010

Feeling Poetic.

The manipulator
Strong willed and competitive
Fiersly loyal and understanding
Oposed so much to change
But open to new experiences

The manipulator
You know what you want
You're willing to take it
With or without a fight
With or without permission

The manipulator
You want to know
About everything and everyone
You want to know
How things work, and what things feel

The manipulator
You like things the way they are
No need to change a good thing
No need to mess up a situation
Who needs change?

The manipulator
You'll do anything
To learn something new
Something deeper than common knowledge
Something beyond the realm of normal thought

The manipulator
Strong willed, you will achieve
Understanding, you will learn
Changing, never
The manipulator
The Scorpio

The goose is getting fat!

If you don't understand that line.... you suck. and live in a metaphorical hole.
nuff said.

So yes.  Can we all agree not to do presents?

of course not. well it was worth a try.  Just letting you know i'm not doing presents for my friends this year.  I spent that $30 on another kid.  She wanted board games so I paid myself instead of letting dad pay.  I mean board games?  SWEET!!!

Anybody else have any feel-good christmas stories?

10 December, 2010

Ho Ho The Mistletoe?

Well it's the christmas season, and i'm making CD's xD so here's some of the music that's on the cd's i've made, let me know if you're interested ;]





02 December, 2010

A better place.

I'm still shaking in shock.

Logan will be missed, but he is in fact in a better place.

I'll miss his random singing in history, or our fun conversations.

Still I can't believe this is happening.