28 July, 2010


What do you ladies and gents think of this, without the heart?

I'm working on some things, that aren't important at this time, but wanted your opinion. 

That's all I think...
Kay thanks bye.

27 July, 2010


Whoooooooooose ready for Band Camp???

I AM!!!!


24 July, 2010


Quote that I made up today that just might become a life motto for me:

When life looks down, God looks up


23 July, 2010


We need to all get together sometime. I know that most of us will be hangin at band Camp (YAY!!!!) but the rest of you bums (for that is what you are =P), we need to hang out. So SOMEONE PLAN SOMETHING!!!

Because I'm to lazy... and because everything i try to plan always has something wrong with it, but that's besides the point. =P

19 July, 2010

Happy Birthday Jolie!!!

Sorry it's late...

14 July, 2010


This was mine, Jordan and Sam's redemption project for the evil commercial thing. Sam put it on her blog (which you would all love BTW) so here's the link




Found this on my computer and figured I might as well upload it like I was supposed to before. This is Faith's, Jordan's and my second attempt at the commercial project for English 10. It surprisingly didn't take that long to upload. Enjoy!

11 July, 2010


I am finished reading Huck Finn, and I have the prompts done! Thank God! :)
Anyone that has not completed the assignments, remember they are due at 11:59 pm tomorrow. So get cracking! :P


I was chillen on Youtube after watching Jordan's hilarious trailer, and found this. It's kinda long but definately worth it. The guy who put this together was a freaking genius.. with probably a lot of time on his hands.



epic movie that i must see!!!

Okay so i was talking to Bree on facebook and she told me to look up this movie trailer for an upcoming movie called Vampires Suck. it basically makes fun of the twilight movie in a hilarious way. Anyway just wanted to tell you guys about it cuz i found it so freaking hysterical.
Heres the link.


Enjoy. :) I did, anyway.

10 July, 2010


So how many camps do you know, where a kid breaks his nose 3 times in 2 days? Having to reset it all himself?!? Well I know of one.

Anyways camp was fan-flipping-tastic. It was soooooo hot but it was amazing. I got to do everything I needed to get done, except 1 thing, but that's okay...erm, for now. I might post some pictures on my blog later, but I don't know.

Well I love you guys, and we need to do something soon!

Kay Thanks Bye

06 July, 2010

Huck Finn


All Huck Finn responses are due in 3 days. That entails

  1. 3, full paragraph responses to prompts posted by Mrs. Coursen. These have to be well, thought out answers with text referances AND gramatically correct.
  2. 2 responses to prompts posted by your classmates. So far your options are a) Sam I's about why we hated or like Huck Finn b) Mine about what would it be like to spend a day with Huck c) Hannah's review of her feelings on the book d)TayWe's about the "language" that Huck used to write his story e) Smerk's that I didn't like enough to remember and f) TayBe's about Huck's many "lucky breaks" in the book
  3. Finally, you have to post your own prompt on the book. It could be like Hanah's, a review on the book, or like mine and Sam I's, a prompt question.

If you haven't started on Huck Finn yet, you are totally screwed and there is no hope. Lol jk. That doesn't change your suck factor though. =P

That is all.

02 July, 2010


Is it bad that I still haven't packed for camp, and I leave in two days?

I dunno, but this year going to camp is going to be odd. I'm riding with Heidi Baughman.... :\ I needed a ride, and well she could only take one person, because of her mother saying to many kids in the car causes accidents. And she doesn't want to drive alone. Let's see if I can't kill myself. :]

So starting Sunday I will not be home. I will be away from Knox, and it will be niiiiice! I wish you all a Wonderful 4th of July, and I hope you have a great week, just as I am having.

Kay thanks, bye bye.