04 December, 2009


So i think i made my own quote today... walking down from Irwin to Kifer first period.

"The higher your pedestal, the more it will hurt when you get pushed off...." :D


  1. i wonder if the same is true for trampolines. does it hurt when ur on a trampoline and get pushed? cause u just bounce over a little bit. and then bounce some more. like when u play crack the egg!! hehe thats a great game.

  2. I HATE THAT GAME! dont even talk to me, traitor. ;[

  3. is that the same as popcorn? I think so.. where some people curl up in a little ball and u have to try and bounce them apart? i totally rock at popcorn. u can't ever get me to pop.. muahahahaha!!!

  4. Yers it's the same as popcorn....

    I've alwaysed played eggs and bacon, you have to get the "eggs" to "crack" and the "bacon" to "flip" :]
