12 October, 2009


What the crow man?! For the cheesy PSAT's you have to write down the number of the major that is closest to your field of peasing interest! I am in 10th loving grade people! I have almost no idea what field of interest I want to pursue!! 'sigh' So now I have to study for the PSAT's, complete a sign for Traffic Safety, due my Bio Project with Alice, complete my Portrait for Art, study for and take my Permit Test and....Every thing else! Is anyone else feeling just a LITTLE overwhelmed?! hehe ('I know that you can be overwhelmed and that you can be underwhelmed, but can you just be whelmed?' 'I think you can in Europe.') If anyone besides Alice can comment what movie that's from I give you a bonus point!! lol. Anyway just wanted to rant a minute! love you all!!
Sin. Vasi


  1. Your telling me!!! I've got 2 ports to pile on top of that!!! But yes.. that's the glories of growing up.. I DONT WANNA!!!!!
