16 October, 2009

lunch stories

Okay Sam, if we are going to get on the topic of lunchroom conversations I HAVE to put my 2 cents in. lol. even though you have a severe case of jordan-itis.

Okay so i did purposefully provoke Jolie with the fact that she is related to Brandon T., but i just couldn't resist. ha ha. And it made for some great entertainment. Doth did protest to much Jo.

And i've got to talk about a couple more things- How we scarred Lauren for life. She'll never look at the color white the same way again. We ruined it for her. Well, i ruined it for her. he he lol. FYI- if you wear white u are a nudist. Don't ask why cuz i dont know why :)

And how i told you guys how you had to go on youtube and watch the video, "That Squirrel Had to Die"(a hilarious song)

And then theres the topic of how we ruined Ankara's mind back in the sixth grade. So innocent...and we destroyed it with our sick talk. Well, not so much me, but you get the picture.

And then theres that sick phrase that Jolie told us to day, something about "don't touch my yahoo or I'll twitter on your facebook" or something like that (REALLY JOLIE??lol)
and the wonderful talk on how turtles have sex. I really dont know the answer to that one so i looked it up.

'During mating season, males may court a female by nuzzling her head or by gently biting the back of her neck and rear flippers. If the female does not flee, the male attaches himself to the back of the female's shell by gripping her top shell with claws in his front flippers. He then folds his long tail under her shell to copulate.'

now we know :)

MY FIRST BLOG YAY!!! (and it involved turtle sex~ now how many people get to say that?! lol)


  1. so they lay on top of eachother and then strech thier tails to do it uneder thier shells.. hmmm

  2. That was just absolutely fricken disgusting!! TMI! Anyway! Yes you guys did ruin many colors for me and lunch! though Vaughn was the one who ruined hot dogs lol!

  3. don't ask about my username...it's a loooooong, but funny story lol
