18 October, 2009


ok my first blog was very emo so i thnk i should um....... iceice baby dundun dundun dadadundun shih we still havent told faith what othajiga means and its quite funny so no one tell her( im aware she will read this and get ticked off- thats the point) iceice baby dundun dundun dadadundun shih to respond to a few posts- im really overwhelmed too i still have to finish the signs thing and my cd cover drawing for tomarrow.... and turtle sex... and nudistismness..... this is why i talk to u people


  1. We love you willie.. I'd love you more if you told me what othajigga ment...... =)

  2. OHS!! And FAH! is ni all caps or it doesn't mean the same thing.. I'm suprised you haven't posted something called Fetus yet... =)
