- It sucks
- It's only intersting sometimes
- Takes to dang long to read
- Makes me want to gouge other peoples' eyes out with spoons
- Plotless-ness
We are a group of amazing people, who will be the leaders of the world one day, all in our own way. =) And This, has become the archive of our lives.
There will be three judges for this contest. Myself, Jordan, and Bella. (me because I came up with it, Bella because she suggested it, and Jordan because she is sitting right here and witnesseed the birth of this contest.) That way you can't whine about losing.
Your story must be its own post, and then copy the URL into a comment onto this post. (I know it may be silly but just do it ok? The world works better that way)
Deadline for this? The 25th of June.
Go crazy!!!
Jordan and Bella:
Before the 25th, (perferably by the 23rd in case of issues) please read all the entries. Then e-mail me your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd favorites. Kk? Kk. =P
Oh, and you can't be included in the contest. Soooo sorry, but otherwise u could vote for urself and the people would call mutiny! However, you can do one just for fun. XD