01 June, 2010

"The Battle"

so. im thinking we need to organize the area's largest water gun battle. aw yupp!

on shelby's next day off we will commence "The Battle"

Rule One:
it will be known as "The Battle"
Rule Two:
on the day of this colossal battle, no white shirts/bottoms shall be worn- for the sake of faith's innocence
Rule Three:
water guns must be amazing. lady pistols are not allowed, plus they're just pathetic. im mean really guys- you cant do that much damage with a gun smaller than a mickyd's burger
Rule Four:
if won by majority vote:
teams will be made. lines will be drawn. and "The Battle" will commence
Rule Five:
water balloon (aka water grenades) are allowed!


  1. I'm glad that ur concerned about my innocence... but if ur not going commando than all that wet, white clothing is ur undies.. slash bra of course...

  2. lol. ive just gotta start hoarding up on super soakers and water balloons
