Remember when we all ran to the computer last year to get the first few posts of the new year? Now it seems like you all have too much of a life for our humble little blog. =(
Anyway just wanted to see how I did on my list from last year:
1) get a job (cause im a bum) (maybe this year....)
2) get my waist back (i cant find it =( ) hahahaha fail.
3) Make districts in track fro ore than 100m Instead, I gained a life-long friend whose's name is Terry =]
4) Get some freaking playing time in vball oh Terry
5) Convince my coach that i DO have potential Again, Terry
6) Start collage..... classes! Ha got u! WIN
7) be taller WIN
8) find Him.. though I think i'm gonna have to wait until collage for that one Well.... I made attempts.
9) find a freaking collage so I dont have to say "i dont know i just wannna teaching degree and run track" Progress made, though nothing achieved for certain
10) figure out my future so i can embrace it instead of clinging to my "peter pan syndrome" Actually... win =)
11) be sombody musically, someone who's better than people think I am (aka pass up Sean in MB) I didn't get a snare. Instead, I got something better: respect. I learned that being a Bass is harder than it looks, and that not being a snare doesn't make you not great. In fact, it means that you work better with people. And I believe this was a win, not because I grew musically, but because I grew in my self-worth.
So list for this year? Why not.
1] Get a job
2] Bring my times down and rock the 4x100m (districts?!?!?)
3] Convince myself that I CAN just be friends with a guy
4] Continue my collage search, find one, apply
5] Try and get a track scholorship
6] Continue collage classes
7] Make a career plan
8] Select Ensemble here I come
9] Not nessicarily loose weight, but re-gain my curves that, Shelby so unfairly pointed out, are gone
10] Be Presidant of Band, hold and officer position in NHS
11] Learn to smile and be happy more often so I don't have my stupid random break-downs.
The fact that none of you cuaght my random spelling/word mistakes further proves that you have completely forgotten about this blog.
huh i wondered why you misspelled college but i didnt want to be the jerk who pointed it out :P