08 April, 2010

4-Sights... Oh how I loathe thee.

I'd have to say, if anyone loves these, they are CRAZY! Yet for the past two days, I have been making progress on my writing of a story. Summer's Story <--- You can go there and read if you would like to. But any who. I'm glad this is like the last 4-sights we have to take this year!! Amen! I hate reading the same things over and over again, but this time, I didn't mind the thing on Queen Elizabeth I and II. Then again I love reading about monarchies, and all that fun royal stuff.

So change of subject.
It's Thursday, that means Survivor, but also the 100th episode of BONES! Both come on at the same time, but I have to record Survivor for mommy, and Bones for the sister. Grrrr...
Yet on the previews, Booth tells Bones, that if he could he would ask her out! Bones asks why can't he!
It's about dang time those to get together.

I'm sooo excited. That made my week, and of course John Lennon, and Paul McCartney night for American Idol.

Soo there's an update from the week, on the bright side of my life.


  1. I CANT WAIT FOR BONES TONITE!!! Oh man I am SOOO excited to watch the 100th episode. Mom and I were talking the other nite and we were like OMG I cant believe we've been watching this show since it first came out! I mean yeah I was watching Buffy before Angel ever came to be and have seen like every episode almost of both... but still to now be wathcing Booth on this show all these years later is just soo.... well anyway Booth and Bones BETTER get together of the Hollywood people are going to be dealing with a lot of POed fans!!!!

  2. oh and yeah i liked reading about the Elizabeths. Though I also enjoyed the Norse myth, even though thats like the fifth time or whatever that I have now read it! And I just love that Sam McColl guy... at least I think thats his last name! lol
