27 March, 2010

Boy Scout swimming and NYC

So I went swimming with the boy scouts today. I did the swim test twice.. and I swam.. a lot. Sigh I love chlorine!!!
Oh's and I went off the high dive for the first time! This little 5 year old did it and I went.. well that can't be so bad.... Then Brian Reed's little sister did it,.. and her friend did it.. so I thought "HEY! I can do this!" So as I was in line talking to B reed's lil sis the 17 year old dude behind me went "your afraid to do this? Dude i've been doin front flips off that all day!" To which i propmtly replied "Shut your face."
So I got out to the edge and the stupid 17 year old was standing on the other edge of the board (by the ladder). he obviously had no sense of safety cause that's pretty freaking dangerous considering if I was fat enough I could have bounced him off and he would ahve feel to utter peril, but that's besides the point. So he was saying "just step off!" I think he was trying to be helpful but he was really just annoying the heck out of me. So i did it.. and shook like a leaf the entire way down. Then i made my brother do it.. so ya. =)
And now im packing for nyc and putting new music on my iPod. It takes FOREVER though and I'll be up way to late.... oh well. I'm going to call it.. getting ready for the next few days of minimal sleep.... sounds good I'll take it!
I'm SOOOO siked for NYC!!!!


  1. only one question:

    at least was the 17 yr old dude cute? cause if he was.. all should be forgiven ;) JK!! slap his face.
