27 September, 2010

Just stopping by to say...

That Faith is sexy. :) lol love you girl. Oh and Terry is sexy tooo.....


  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

    oh wow.

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Might want to inform both bryce and patrick of your opinions.

    Well maybe not patrick.. =(

  3. Bryce already knows i think you're sexy. I still laugh when i think back to the first time he saw you slap my butt and later he looked annoyed and i asked him what was wrong and he said "that pisses me off" and i said "what? why?" and he said, "cause she can do that and i cant!" hahaha lol but that was before you made the contract and made him sign it teehee.

    And Patrick, well, he'll figure it out hopefully. :)

  4. u think cadavers r sexy? im sorry but no one has made a comment on how ur having necrophilia with faiths leg and it had to b done

  5. Hey, its not the cadaver thats sexy, its her leg. You know, cause legs can be sexy. The leg is named Terry. :)
