06 July, 2010

Huck Finn


All Huck Finn responses are due in 3 days. That entails

  1. 3, full paragraph responses to prompts posted by Mrs. Coursen. These have to be well, thought out answers with text referances AND gramatically correct.
  2. 2 responses to prompts posted by your classmates. So far your options are a) Sam I's about why we hated or like Huck Finn b) Mine about what would it be like to spend a day with Huck c) Hannah's review of her feelings on the book d)TayWe's about the "language" that Huck used to write his story e) Smerk's that I didn't like enough to remember and f) TayBe's about Huck's many "lucky breaks" in the book
  3. Finally, you have to post your own prompt on the book. It could be like Hanah's, a review on the book, or like mine and Sam I's, a prompt question.

If you haven't started on Huck Finn yet, you are totally screwed and there is no hope. Lol jk. That doesn't change your suck factor though. =P

That is all.


  1. hey i'm not too screwed on page 100 with two days left to finish and I know what my prompt question is going to be. ..and really how hard can answering 5 questions be? its only... 25 paragraphs right? ....'oh my'

  2. noooooo... that's 5 paragraphs...
    You don't have to write an essay for each one..

  3. I finished the book tonight. Im gonna get started on my essays tomorrow. :)
    I really hated how that book ended, it left so many things unanswered. I was left asking, really, thats how its gonna end?! lol

  4. whats to leave unanswered??? Hucka nd Tom are going to roam teh mississippi river and Jim's gonna free his fam

  5. yeah, but you dont know that Jims gonna get his family back. Maybe he tries to get them back and they've all been shot. And maybe Huck and Tom get drowned in a freak storm in the Mississippi, we'll never know!!!!! lol

  6. Wow Faith. remind me never to get in a shootout or in a freak storm in the Mississippi with you! lol :P
