26 May, 2010


Why am i excited and jumping up and down for joy, you ask? (well, granted, you can't see me jumping up and down, and im not actually physically jumping up and down...but i digress)
Well, anyway, we are down to 5, count-em, 5, days of school left this year!!! Summer vacation is so close I can almost taste it... :)


  1. ...... that means I have 20 till surgery.... wish school would never end.. cuz then my surgery might never come..... =(

    But summer vacation is still amazing isn't it. =)

  2. I get my expander off soon! yay!!

  3. I take my driver's test FRIDAY! And Lauren passed, so we is all good.

  4. 4 if you do not count today!...... and Faithie dear I'm sorry about your surgery :(. ....But yay Sam!
    and you'll pass too Kat!!

  5. Great jobs on getting your drivers licenses guys! and Faith your tough and we'll be here for you.
    And i cant make fun of sam's lisp anymore... :(
